
If you are a Team Teach accredited trainer for your organisation, you will need to complete an annual reaccreditation course to remain certified as a trainer. All trainer courses have a valid certification period of 12 months, so please ensure you book onto a course within your certification date.

For WA Department of Education or ACT Education Directorate trainers, please do not book a course via the website, dates are available specifically for you so please get in touch with the team on for more details.

How to book a re-accreditation course

We keep logistics simple and easy! We have a wide range of dates and locations available to you across Australia and New Zealand.

You can find our upcoming courses via our Public Course Booking Page.

Should you organisation have 8+ trainers please do get in touch with the team to discuss Private Course solutions.

Our trainer courses are delivered on a tiered approach, please ensure you book onto the corresponding reaccreditation, if you are looking to advance on your trainer level please get in touch with our helpful team. Should you need any further support in finding the correct course for you, please get in touch with the team via the Contact Us form or pop us an email on,

Trainer Levels:

Foundation Trainer

Foundation Trainer Plus

Intermediate Trainer

Advanced Trainer