Our mission is to support individuals and organisations in moving beyond behaviour management; using strategies that lower risk, build relationships, minimise physical intervention, and create positive environments.

For over 25 years, Team Teach has been a pioneer in behaviour support training across Education, Disability and all Human Services.

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Our Vision

Advance awareness and understanding of the power of positive behavioural strategies to transform outcomes for both children and vulnerable adults and foster positive relationships with those who support them.

Our Mission

Equip everyone with the tools they need to understand and support behaviour as a form of communication, at work or in daily life, in a positive and respectful manner.

Our Values

Team Teach Training is:

  • Respectful
  • Supportive
  • Practical
  • Accessible
  • Mindful
Our Approach

We foster a culture of support, helping people recognise the needs of those they work with, offer help where necessary, and be able to make use of support when offered.

Team Teach has developed strategies to move beyond behaviour management.

These strategies promote team building, personal safety, communication, and verbal and non-verbal de-escalation techniques. These techniques support behaviours, reducing risk and minimising the need for physical restrictive practices.

We believe that understanding behaviour triggers and recognising all behaviour as a form of communication is key, and in some settings, where appropriate, offer safe, respectful and minimal physical restrictive practices intervention skills as a last resort, with an emphasis on de-escalation strategies being 95% of our focus.

We see this as just one part of a whole-setting approach to behaviour support and help services develop acceptable, appropriate, authorised responses to distressed and dysregulated behaviours. These responses maintain positive relationships and ensure safety for all. As such, our framework is entirely compatible with Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) approaches for people with a disability and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL, PB4L, and UBRS) in education services.

Additionally, all training emphasizes the importance of recording, reporting, monitoring, and evaluating of all incidents.

The Institute of Conflict Management

Team Teach is proud to hold the Institute of Conflict Management (ICM) Quality Award Centre certification, a nationally recognised accreditation for delivering training in the prevention and management of challenging behaviour.

As a not-for-profit, independent organisation, the ICM works to reduce and eliminate the risks associated with behaviour across all sectors. Our accredited Train-the-Trainer courses comply with ICM quality assurance procedures for the prevention, management, and support of vulnerable individuals in education, disability services, aged care, and healthcare settings.

All Team Teach physical techniques undergo a regular medical review carried out by independent medical experts, as required by the Institute of Conflict Management.

Inspection bodies and the Health & Safety Executive have also commented favourably in their reports on the positive impact that the Team Teach training framework has had when adopted by leadership, management and a whole-setting holistic approach.

CPD Certified

The course materials for our positive behaviour training programmes have been independently assessed and accredited by the CPD Accreditation Service.

Team Teach Training can often be used for Professional Development (PD) hours that are required to maintain professional status with relevant professional bodies. For some jurisdictions, this is recognised as accredited PD hours but where this is not the case it can still often be used for elective PD hours. Please check with your relevant professional body as to the whether Team Teach training hours can be recognised and how it can be recognised.

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