Case Study – Nambour Special School, Queensland, May 2020

Published On: 21 August 2024

1. Why did you choose Team Teach?

Nambour Special School chose TEAM TEACH as an overarching framework to support a safe and supportive environment as it provided a research based framework that focussed on culture, de-escalation and support and provided support to ensure that all staff had the skills and knowledge to support students displaying complex, escalated behaviours.

2. How has Team Teach addressed your objectives?

All staff have skills and knowledge to support students in a supportive environment. Skills and knowledge are not dependent on role (everyone has the same knowledge). 100% staff and 100% of parents reported that student behaviour is well managed in the 2019 School Opinion Survey.

All staff have the training required to make sound, research based decisions in managing potentially escalated situations

3. How would you describe the quality of this course?

Facilitator training and in school course design receive extremely high feedback from staff. All staff advise that

4. What are the three benefits you’ve experienced from completing this course?

  • Staff capacity building – student management and decision making. Staff are confident in their skills to manage students who display more complex behaviours
  • Improvement in staff feedback – School is a safe place to work (98.5% in 2019)
  • Development of a culture with a common language and consistent interventions across every classroom

5. Would you recommend this course to other schools? If so, why?

I would recommend TEAM TEACH to other schools

TEAM TEACH has provided Nambour Special School to provide consistent, high quality PD to staff which has developed a common language and intervention decision making across the school. The breadth of the training ensures staff are aware of a range of important topics, from legal expectations and implications to understanding complex behaviours to managing complex situations. The combination of theory and practical components provides both knowledge and understanding of theory and how this applies in the real world.

6. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

NSS has found that TEAM TEACH has provided the language and culture to provide a safe and supportive environment for students and staff, which aligns with Nambour Special School’s PBL framework. The requirements for refreshers ensures that staff remain current with the theory, expectations and culture at Nambour Special School and ensures a consistent approach is maintained across the school

Richard Fisher
Nambour Special School