The Team Teach Blog

Read the latest blogs, articles and press coverage on Team Teach’s transformational positive behaviour support strategies.

The Latest Team Teach Blog

What Can We Learn From Non-Verbal Communication?

3 September 2024|

After our popular webinar about non-verbal communication, I’m Communicating - are You Listening?, we wanted to consider how we can recognise and respond effectively to early signs of distress, enabling us to take action and [...]

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Resetting Our Approach to School Suspensions and Exclusions

3 September 2024|

If the latest statistics from the Department for Education are anything to go by, schools in England are in the midst of an unrelenting wave of suspensions and exclusions. The figures are staggering: in the 2022/23 academic year, there were 786,961 suspensions, up from 578,280 the previous year. This amounts [...]

The Problem with Isolation and Removal Rooms

3 September 2024|

With the recent change of government in the UK, we will undoubtedly be facing many changes to the education sector. While the newly-elected Prime Minister undoubtedly faces a range of pressing demands, one issue that is at the top of the agenda is behaviour in schools.Perhaps one area that would [...]

ADHD: Supporting Not Managing Behaviour

3 September 2024|

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental condition that can affect how people behave. As with other neurodivergence, such as autism, concerns have been raised about only looking at ADHD through a clinical lens, which can lead to a deficit-based approach. While individuals with ADHD may need support, [...]

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