The Team Teach Blog

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Supporting, not ‘Fixing’ Behaviour

22 January 2024|

No matter where we are in the world, or what kind of school we work in, student behaviour can present us with a number of challenges on a daily basis. One of the areas we focused on in our recent think piece Creating Consistency: Developing a shared understanding of behaviour [...]

Supporting Change in Habitual Behaviours

12 November 2023|

As human beings, we are all creatures of habit. We seek predictability and reliability as a means of keeping ourselves safe. Habitual behaviour – in other words, behaviour that is repeated until it becomes automatic – helps us foster that feeling of security. Habits, especially those we perform on a [...]

  • meaningful deescalation

Growing and Embedding a Puzzle-Solving Culture

17 October 2023|

A blog by Jonathan Newport, Team Teach Global Managing Director. Human behaviour – all human behaviour – is complex and can best be understood as the vehicle through which we communicate our emotions and feelings. All our actions, words and habits offer a window into what’s going on inside, [...]

Now Available: The Team Teach Knowledge Hub App

Part of our new Team Teach Connect platform, the Knowledge Hub provides a wealth of resources to support your on-going, post-training development.

Download the app now to access over 19 hours of content and the latest thinking in behaviour support, all in the palm of your hand.

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