Team Teach Training
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Our accessible courses are available in-person and online, as public and private courses.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec diam tincidunt, porta massa pellentesque, fermentum sem. Quisque id metus laoreet eros commodo molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Donec egestas dui magna, nec porttitor est pellentesque eu. Sed a diam laoreet, condimentum lacus congue, gravida dolor. Nulla malesuada auctor diam, sed eleifend quam consectetur et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum non nisl dapibus, blandit augue eget, tincidunt neque. Suspendisse potenti. In vulputate scelerisque laoreet. Sed dictum sem vitae magna mollis pulvinar. Proin erat massa, cursus eu mattis sit amet, luctus eget eros. Ut arcu dui, vestibulum non interdum id, varius eget enim.
Ut vel purus et tortor congue venenatis. Curabitur in orci vestibulum, lobortis ante at, mollis turpis. Mauris molestie et libero in iaculis. Nunc posuere fringilla rutrum. Praesent congue feugiat magna a placerat. Etiam tincidunt orci a condimentum venenatis. Phasellus gravida diam ac condimentum posuere. Cras arcu purus, interdum non pretium id, volutpat ut magna. Nunc ut leo nisi.
Cras sit amet gravida felis. Nullam imperdiet, risus quis rhoncus suscipit, risus ipsum volutpat odio, nec bibendum est magna in mi. Phasellus rutrum viverra nisl id ornare. Vivamus fringilla lacinia massa, non consectetur.

Who is Team Teach Training For?
Everyone in your organisation can benefit from positive behaviour training. We carefully design each programme to deliver proven, safe strategies suitable for anyone managing challenging behaviour.
Our courses equip individuals with a range of de-escalation and positive behaviour strategies delivered by expert trainers with extensive experience in both education and health and social care settings.
We offer a range of training options suitable for low to high-risk settings, including:
- Disability Services
- Behaviour Support Practitioners
- Behaviour Plan Writers
- Community Services
- Day Care
- School Holiday Programs
- After School Support
- Early Intervention Teams – Early Childhood
- Activity Centres
With our training, all the professionals in your organisation will have the skills and strategies they need to support distressed individuals, from front-line staff to admin and support employees.
What courses do we offer:
Direct Delivery by a Team Teach Trainer:
Level 1 Training: This one-day course explores positive behaviour strategies that you can use in your setting to de-escalate situations, reduce risk, and build stronger relationships with the individuals you support. This course is available both in-person, blended and online. If in person can include safety supports – personal safety and disengagement techniques.
Level 2 Training (9-12 hours): This 1.5/2-day course covers all our level 1 content and has additional time to include a wider range of physical restrictive practices for organisations which have a risk-assessed need for training in these techniques. The emphasis of this course remains on positive behaviour strategies and ways to reduce risk and restraint in your setting. This course is available both in-person and as a blended learning option with a mix of online and in-person training.
Advanced Modules – subject to training needs analysis, all participants must have a current Level 2 valid certificate in place.
Become a Team Teach Trainer and cascade our training to your organisation:
Foundation Trainer: This online course is delivered over two and a half days, with 3-hours of online learning to be completed before the two full days. Each session is usually a week apart. This course qualifies you to deliver Team Teach Level 1 (theory only) training for your organisation.
Foundation Trainer Plus: This course is delivered over 3 days of in-person training and includes all the Team Teach theory plus safety supports – personal safety and disengagement techniques. This course qualifies you to deliver Team Teach Level 1 training for your organisation.
Intermediate Trainer: This in-person course is delivered over five days. This course qualifies you to deliver Team Teach Level 1 and 2 training for your organisation. You must already hold a minimum of Level 1 training to take this course.
Advanced Trainer: This in-person course is delivered over four days. This course qualifies you to deliver Team Teach Advanced Modules for your organisation. You must already hold an Intermediate Trainer certificate to take this course.
Book your space on an upcoming course here.
Enquire about us running a private course for you!
What Will You Learn
We believe all behaviour is communication driven by experiences and emotions. Our training programmes help you understand the drivers and motivations displayed by distressed individuals and learn positive ways to manage challenging situations.
Build staff confidence
Our positive toolkit approach gives practical de-escalation and crisis intervention strategies you can use to minimise risk and manage conflict safely and respectfully in your setting. Build individual confidence and expertise so everyone knows how to deal with challenging behaviour appropriately and consistently.
Use Team Teach training to develop your team dynamic and shared vision of how to support distressed individuals to create strong, positive relationships between staff and service users.
A toolkit of strategies
Team Teach training helps every individual in your organisation respond in a way that is reasonable, proportionate, and necessary.
Our techniques promote a respectful, supportive approach. You will learn strategies that maintain positive relationships and encourage de-escalation together with a thorough needs analysis. For lower-risk settings, this may include low-level physical intervention techniques, including personal safety, guiding and prompts appropriate for the environment.
For higher-risk settings, our behaviour support training teaches strategies that ensure personal safety and the reduction of risk and reduction of physical intervention. Participants learn a framework of authorised physical intervention techniques specifically designed to support and respond to distressed behaviour safely. This training includes relevant legal standards and expectations related to the use of force, and reporting, recording, monitoring, and evaluating requirements.
How Courses Are Delivered
We offer a range of delivery options so you can choose the method that suits your needs. Our training is designed to be flexible and meet the needs of a variety of learners. We provide public courses throughout the year all year round across Australia and New Zealand, and private courses are available for organisations at a venue of your choice.
In-person training: Face-to-face sessions are offered specifically for your organisation across Australia and New Zealand, delivered in-house at a venue provided by your organisation. Trainer courses are delivered in a variety of states or can be delivered on-site as a private course for your organisation.
Blended learning: Available for Level 1 and Level 2 courses, reducing the amount of face-to-face time required. Our online modules are self-paced independent learning, that can be completed at a time that suits you.
Virtual training: Where there is not a need for physical intervention techniques you can learn from the comfort of your home or workplace with our online learning options. *
*Please note that those who complete the course fully virtually will receive a Level 1 – Non-Physical certificate*
How to Book
We keep training logistics simple and easy. We have a wide range of dates and locations available across Australia and New Zealand. Individuals can be booked onto any of the courses that are running across the country. Alternatively, for larger groups, get in touch to discuss holding Team Teach training at your venue.
To book a public course: Click here to see our upcoming dates and book via the website, upon submission we will send you a finalised quote for you to confirm. Payments can be made via credit card or invoice. Alternatively, contact the team and we can advise you of the best-suited course for you.
For in-house training: Register your interest by filling in our simple enquiry form and we’ll be in touch to discuss your training requirements. One of our experienced team members will arrange a consultation to discuss your needs in more detail and arrange dates for the delivery of the course.