The Team Teach Blog

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  • teenage school children siting and laughing together

4 Practical Steps We Can take to Create Inclusive Schools

29 July 2022|

We like to think we’re fair, don’t we? We want every child to succeed and have the best possible outcomes after their time with us. But, after the recent publication of The Commission on Young Lives report, and the shocking news of Child Q’s treatment (2), it’s time for [...]

  • Student talking to teacher about behaviour

Inclusion Not Exclusion: Exploring the Commission on Young Lives Report

29 July 2022|

You may have heard the term ‘adultification’ in the news recently and wonder what it means. This handy summary explores the key findings of the recent report by the Commission on Young Lives, including suggestions for how schools can help vulnerable students thrive. The Commission on Young Lives (COYL) [...]

Exploring Hare and Tortoise Thinking for Effective De-escalation

7 July 2022|

Hare and Tortoise thinking is based on the research and book by Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow, how we make decisions in different situations, and how this thinking affects the outcomes of that decision making. If we can adopt a thinking slow approach, this allows us to be [...]

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