The Team Teach Blog

Read the latest blogs, articles and press coverage on Team Teach’s transformational positive behaviour support strategies.

The Latest Team Teach Blog

The Problem with Isolation and Removal Rooms

3 September 2024|

With the recent change of government in the UK, we will undoubtedly be facing many changes to the education sector. While the newly-elected Prime Minister undoubtedly faces a range of pressing demands, one issue that [...]

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  • Girl looking out of the window

Navigating Exam Stress and Anxiety

11 April 2024|

With statutory exams just around the corner for many children and young people, stress and anxiety levels are starting to rise across thousands of schools and homes. The ripple effects of exam season are far-reaching, affecting not only the children and young people themselves, but also school leaders, teachers, [...]

  • Lady on laptop

6 Ways to Write an Effective Individual Support Plan

3 April 2024|

Behaviour support plan, positive handling plan, support and intervention plan, individual care plan, individual support plan; with so many different potential names, it’s hardly surprising there are misconceptions surrounding what an Individual Support Plan could or should look like in schools and health and social care settings. Before we [...]

Including parents, carers and families in our approach to behaviour support

27 March 2024|

As leaders, teachers, parents, and carers, we all have children’s best interests at heart. Whether we are talking about academic progress and attainment, or personal and emotional development, we share a common desire to provide the right conditions and appropriate support to enable all our young people to thrive. [...]

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