The Team Teach Blog

Read the latest blogs, articles and press coverage on Team Teach’s transformational positive behaviour support strategies.

The Latest Team Teach Blog

  • Girl looking out of the window

Navigating Exam Stress and Anxiety

11 April 2024|

With statutory exams just around the corner for many children and young people, stress and anxiety levels are starting to rise across thousands of schools and homes. The ripple effects of exam season are [...]

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New beginnings…

1 August 2023|

As you return after the recent break, hopefully well rested, recharged and ready to embrace the new academic year, you may be expecting to see emotions run high for many children as you welcome both new and returning students once again. We all know the excitement of a new chapter [...]

Why Relationships Matter for Effective Behaviour Support

7 July 2023|

There’s nothing more important when creating a positive culture and effective behaviour support than strong relationships. Everyone thrives when they feel like somebody understands and values them as an individual—that’s true for us as professional teams and for the individuals we support. When we prioritise relationships, it keeps the [...]

Moving From Reacting to Responding to Behaviour

16 June 2023|

A guest blog by Jack Pattinson, Senior Team Teach trainer, behaviour specialist, and inclusion advocate. Let’s face it - things can move quickly in our workplaces, and when necessary, responding to a situation can be fast-paced, safety driven, and high intensity. Distinguishing between ‘reacting to’ and ‘responding to’ behaviour [...]

Now Available: The Team Teach Knowledge Hub App

Part of our new Team Teach Connect platform, the Knowledge Hub provides a wealth of resources to support your on-going, post-training development.

Download the app now to access over 19 hours of content and the latest thinking in behaviour support, all in the palm of your hand.

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