The Team Teach Blog

Read the latest blogs, articles and press coverage on Team Teach’s transformational positive behaviour support strategies.

The Latest Team Teach Blog

Reframing Behaviour as a Skill to be Learned

1 February 2024|

We can sometimes assume that children and young people arrive at school with the skills they need to understand and regulate their emotions and behaviour. While it’s undoubtedly the case that many youngsters cope well [...]

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Celebrating the Joy of Neurodiversity

28 March 2022|

A Guest blog by Mica Coleman-Jones, a Principal Team Teach trainer, SEND leader and consultant. The views expressed in this blog are those of Mica Coleman-Jones and not necessarily those of the Team Teach organisation. This post was originally shared in 2022 and was updated in March 2023. Imagine [...]

Hidden Educational Challenges during the Pandemic: The impact of COVID-19 on pupil behaviour

20 September 2021|

As an organisation supporting a wide variety of educational settings, Team Teach has surveyed staff and trainers views regarding the key challenges they have faced throughout the pandemic. The survey reveals the negative impact the pandemic has had on pupil behaviour and highlights new and emerging behaviour trends that [...]

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