Past Team Teach Webinars Recordings

View our previous our Team Teach Webinars, available on demand, for enlightening discussions covering all aspects of understanding and supporting behaviour.

Perfect for professionals in education, health, and social care, these webinars provide essential insights, inspiration, and practical ideas to elevate your setting. Stay informed, inspired, and equipped for success with us!

Latest Team Teach Webinar Recording

Watch Previous Team Teach Webinars

How to Create a Quiet Room that Supports Distressed Individuals

29 March 2023|

In this webinar Mica Coleman Jones, an experienced neurodivergent SEND Leader and Principal Team Teach trainer, shares insights into the benefits of having a quiet room, what to include to make it effective, and how to communicate its use with staff to build consistent practice. We discuss: • What is [...]

De-mystifying Dynamic Risk Assessment.

9 February 2023|

In this webinar we cut through the complexities of dynamic risk assessment and discuss how to respond to unforeseen emergencies. We know that even the best planning system cannot cover every eventuality and that there are unforeseen or emergency situations in which staff have to think on their feet and [...]

Now Available: The Team Teach Knowledge Hub App

Part of our new Team Teach Connect platform, the Knowledge Hub provides a wealth of resources to support your on-going, post-training development.

Download the app now to access over 19 hours of content and the latest thinking in behaviour support, all in the palm of your hand.

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